Q. Speaking of Open Studios, where’s yours?

A. I live in North Boulder and my basement is my studio.  It’s 700 sq. ft. with a large south facing window, which makes it a decent area for a studio.  Even with all that natural light, I’ve had to add lots of artificial lights.









There’s a gallery area for hanging paintings. The work area has 3 adjustable tables and a drafting table.  I need lots of table space to spread out on since I often work on more than one painting at a time.  While most of my process is in the physical act of painting, I use an iMac for every other part of my process, from looking for inspiration, to finding photo references, to editing photos of my paintings and posting on my website.

I like the flexibility of being able to work where I live.  I used to free lance graphic design from my house and am pretty disciplined about setting a schedule and not getting side tracked when I need to work.  And, although I’m isolated when I paint, I don’t have to deal with being distracted by studio mates in a shared studio setting.